Our sweet girl is 22 months today! It's hard to believe that in only 2 months she will will be 2 years old! This has really gone by fast!
Some highlights from this past month:
-She's a very chatty girl
-Some of our favorite words and phrases are: "thank you, mommy" "thank you, daddy" "oh, ok" "i love you" when she asks for kisses, hugs and lovies, when she asks to pray before meals and bed time.
-She's been associating names with faces a lot and it's fun to hear her "practice" the names she does know when she's up in her bed or playing
-She enjoys looking outside and seeing buses, cars, trucks, airplanes and calls them by their names.
-She has learned to put her socks on and take off her pants. She's still trying to figure out her shirts and how to put pants back on.
-She's adjusted very well to her "big girl bed" and has gotten out once during naptime.
-Some observations about her personality-strong willed, compassionate, curious, funny, quick, energetic, affectionate, friendly, social.
-She continues to learn more sign language. We are very grateful for the Baby Signing Time and Signing Time videos. These are the only tv shows/videos she is allowed to watch right now...by research and observation we weren't too thrilled about her watching any tv until she was 2 but are glad we have chosen to show her the Signing Times...we have all benefited from these!
-As far as learning goes she is doing great with her shapes, has started saying some ABC's and has started counting.
-She still loves to eat. I realized by dropping her morning snack she eats more at lunch and sleeps better for her nap because of a full tummy. occasionally she will get the morning snack if I think she really needs it.
-She's getting more teeth and has always been bothered by teething (doesn't sleep well, fussy/cranky)
-We have started SLOWLY working on potty training and she's gone a few times but my approach is not where I wanted it to be and frankly I've been really lazy about it and don't like messes so this is where I am with it. I really do want her potty trained before the baby comes but it's too late and will have to be something we work on after.
-She's very excited about this new baby and loves to read, cuddle, tickle, talk, give zerberts and kisses to her baby ___________ (which she knows how to say)
Our Nataleigh has brought us much joy and is a huge blessing! She's so much fun at this age and we look forward to this new baby and seeing how much this will change our family even more!
if i was there i would so get it out of Nataleigh if she's about to have a baby brother or a baby sister :)
ha, ha, jen, that's great!
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