Friday, January 29, 2010

Becoming more mobile!

she's growing WAY to fast for us! :)

Nataleigh's head bop

This is Nataleigh doing her funny head bop. :) She imitates us and does it, looks at herself in the mirror and does it and does this when she hears music :) She's such a character :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

soon to be 8 months and new milestones

Hard to believe our baby girl is almost 8 months old!
Some new milestones are:
saying "da da", clapping her hands, shaking her head back and forth to music and imitating us when we do this, rolling everywhere, trying to do a push up :), getting close to crawling and trying to climb up on us.
She's such a joy and our lives will NEVER be the same!
Here's some pics I took today during our little photo shoot :)...