Saturday, March 26, 2011

Some things to pray for...

I would like to share some praise with you about what has been going on in our recent church plant.
1. God has been providing like crazy for us financially!!! Praising Him for those who are supporting us in every way! Prayer and finances are the two biggest ways to get involved in our ministry. Cleveland is a lost place and we rejoice that others are seeing the importance of our ministry here.
2. We have had many opportunities to share with people about our new church (especially those who are actually from the exact area the church is going to be) and they are so curious and excited!

Our new church plant will be starting services on September 11, 2011. We are in the process of making some big decisions right now and I'm asking you to pray for 2 things:
1. Our first core group meeting (those who are interested in being a part of the start up process) is on Sat., April 2. Please pray that those who are coming would have open hearts to hear our vision and be excited to take part! Please pray that we will continue to make the most of every opportunity to invite people to this!
2. We have a wonderful possibility for a meeting place and they have accepted our offer. Now we just need prayer about the financial agreement on this facility...that all would be settled at a reasonable price on both ends.

If you would like to know how to get involved in what we are doing please contact me! We are always needing Mission Groups to come for a few days or a week. We have a few lined up already for this summer and I look forward to those of you coming and seeing what is going on here!

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