Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wonder Weeks

When Nataleigh was a baby there were times when I felt so hopeless as a mom because she was acting out of sorts. I knew of this particular study/theory/book when she was a baby but didn't look into it. With Mia, however I was very curious to see what the Wonder Weeks were all about. Looking back at Nataleigh's "moments" it truly lines up with what the Wonder Weeks suggest is possibly happening! I have noticed Mia doing the same exact things at the same time.
Basically the idea is that at certain times babies have developmental leaps. It's really a hard time for them as they are trying to figure these new things out during their leaps. You will tend to see more fussiness, clingyness, change in temperament, loss of appetite and poor sleeping.
This last Wonder Week we were in (WW37) was at 37 weeks. For about 2.5 weeks she was all of the above mentioned. After it was over she was back to her normal self: eating, sleeping, happy. Plus, she came out of the leap crawling, noticing her surroundings more, and just doing more things than she previously had been.
I love this book because it gives great ideas to help encourage their new milestones.
It's interesting and definitely a great help to mommies/caregivers

Click here to read more about the Wonder weeks!

Here's a great blog on this last wonder week we were in.

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