Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Crazy times!

Chris and I have been pre-approved to buy a house! So, tomorrow we are meeting with the realtor to begin looking. Please pray that our decision would honor God. We believe that buying a house right now is the right decision instead of renting because renting would be way more expensive than buying in the area we are going to be in. There are so many wonderful incentives right now for first time home buyers and there are many, many great options in our price range.
Please pray that we would have clear minds and patience! We are getting down to crunch time with launch Sunday only weeks away and the arrival of Nataleigh only a few months away. We are looking forward to the day when we can be close to the people in our community and not feel so disconnected!
Thank you for your support!

**Side note**
Nataleigh continues to amaze us more and more every day! For the last 2 nights she has been kicking at her Daddy when he reads and talks to her! It is so precious! We can't wait to meet her!! ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

congratulations guys! that's awesome news! i still say we should try out skype sometime. i miss you guys! :)