Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Kiddies and Sickies!

It's not usual that our girlies are sick. With Nataleigh it has happened once or twice a year. Monday night Nat woke at 10pm which is not normal and she was burning up. Sure enough she had a fever-gave her Motrin and she slept all night and woke early and was burning up again. This time she said her throat hurt-yippie! Anyhow-we did not give her anything for pain and let her body run it's course. I was a little nervous because I didn't want her to be in pain but I knew this would be better for her in the long run. We are really trying to live by "You are what you eat" and tried our best to go by this. So how did we do it?
-Gave her one of our probiotics in her yogurt (2x)
-She ate eggs, drank our homemade carrot/apple juice, applesauce, a few bites of organic free-range chicken and sweet potatoes and a banana.
-Drank TONS of water.
-Let her rest and sleep all day
-Put a humidifier in her room
-Gave her some of my pumped breastmilk (so high in the antibodies she needs to fight whatever she has)

At dinner her fever had gone down 1 degree. When it was time for bed she barely had a fever. She slept all night and woke up this morning ready to go! Fever free and almost back to 100%! We did take it easy today and continue to feed her the same things.

Chris and I have done Jordan Rubin's Maker's Diet and try to follow it as much as possible (just too expensive right now for us). We were so thrilled to find out he wrote a children's book and we have been reading that! It's called Great Physician's RX for Children's Health.
We look forward to the day when we can 100% live by these principles. Until then we are doing the best we can and trying to honor God with our bodies.

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