Sunday, October 2, 2011

5 months!

I can't believe I just typed that our Mia is 5 months old today! In some ways it feels like it's gone by so quickly and other ways not! It is a joy raising two girls but VERY challenging to juggle both of their needs. There are some days I can't believe we survived the day and other days that are a breeze.
Mia has been up to a lot at 4 months. She's rolling more from tummy to back, grabbing toys and putting them in her mouth with both hands, recognizing faces more, making faces, awake more and stretching out her feedings, more vocal, loves when we sing to her and is grabbing at our food. We introduced the exersaucer toy last week and she enjoys that. She's not a huge fan of the bouncy/buzz chair and loves to be on her tummy, loves to be held by anyone and enjoys joining us at the table in the Bumbo seat.
It's becoming more real to Nataleigh that her sissy is joining us for good as Mia is more awake now and playing more. Nataleigh does a good job sharing for the most part. Nataleigh's favorite thing to do with sissy is read to her. She also enjoys pestering her in the exersaucer, giving and getting kisses and handing her toys.
Mia has been showing lots of teething signs. Nataleigh had her 2 bottom teeth at 5 months. We have been giving her gripe water for the pain and that seems to be helping.
We saw the physical therapist at the beginning of this month and thankfully her torticollos is a very MILD case! She doesn't need to be seen until this month and they sent us home with daily excercises to do with her. The goal is for Mia's chin to touch her right shoulder.

Here are some pictures from Mia's 4 months:

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