Thursday, November 11, 2010

17 months!

At the beginning of this week Nataleigh turned 17 months old! She has really changed a lot recently.
Some Highlights:
-She's feeding herself with her spoon/fork
-She's more aware of things going on around her and getting involved with those things (recently was a Birthday party where they had a little dance party for the kiddos and she joined right in)
-She's very compassionate towards other kids
-She's saying many more words now and clearly understanding direction we give her
-She's signing pretty much all of the signs she has learned in 2 "Baby Signing Time" videos
-She's down to 1 nursing time a day (Highlight for mommy since a new one is on the way) :) We are trying to nurse as long as possible for health benefits.
-She is def. a social butterfly
-She has 4 molars now
-She loves to dance
-She loves clothes and putting things on her head. She will run to the stove so she can check herself out after she's put something new on :) hahaha
-She loves to Skype with "G G" and "PaPaw" and points to the computer all the time wanting to talk to them :)
-She is enjoying that there is a baby in mommy's tummy. She will say "baby" and point to my belly and give the baby kisses/zerberts :) Very sweet :)
-She continues to be very busy!

Some Lows:
-Sometimes she is just so busy that it wears this mommy out! Being pregnant and all it's def been a challenge!
-She has started throwing "mini fits" at home
-Her molars are in and she seemed to not tolerate the pain so well (but this is usual...she's never done well in the teething area)

She is a joy and we are extremely blessed to have her in our lives! Life would def. be dull without her!

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