-finding a comfy place to sit and read her books (usually in the purple Barney chair our neighbor gave us or the bottom step)
-talking more and knows names of certain people (mom, dad, Nataleigh, Nonna-probably missing some)
-she has an obesession with "Doggies"--she will look out the window for them and look everywhere outside for them :-) I found a stuffed doggie that I had and she is so cute as she walks around the house with it saying "doggie" "doggie" "doggie"
-she really seems to understand more and more what we are saying
-she mastered the word "no" but it was only bad for about and week and I think she learned she's not allowed to say that!...It's been nice not hearing it lately! :)
-she loves to play peek-a-boo (will hide and want to be found)
-she loves babies
-she's still a very good eater...that girl could eat all day
-her personality seems to be a mixture of extrovert and introvert
-she's a very sweet, kind, loving girl
-At 14 1/2 months she went to 1 nap and will nap anywhere from 11/2-31/2 hrs.
-She's still going to bed at 7ish and waking up at 7.
-We are still waiting for her molars to cut through...she acts like she might be getting more!
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