Wednesday, June 2, 2010

a wonderful visit!

So while Chris was in IL doing a wedding for one of our youth Nataleigh and I went to Angola! We had a great time! It really hit me while we were there that Nataleigh is becoming a little girl and is not so much a baby anymore! She had so much fun playing with her cousins, Aunts and Uncles PaPaw and Gran Gran, dipping her feet in the lake, crawling/walking everywhere and playing Gran Gran's piano! She is so dainty when she plays...I don't think she's ever pounded on the keys before...Maybe she is a natural! :) She is so much fun and has become quite my little buddy!
The view I enjoyed all week (sitting on the deck of the house I grew up in)...

1 comment:

J.L. Neyhart said...

i SUPER DUPER LOVE the pics and video of Nataleigh at the piano. I mean of course she's going to have a boatload of musical talent, but yeah, LOVE it!