Nataleigh and Amy (my friend from high school)
Nataleigh and her oldest cousin, Bryan
Wow!! I can't believe she's 7 weeks old today! Nataleigh is growing so much and every day continues to amaze us with what she is learning! She is now laughing, smiling and cooing! I think we finally have a routine down and things are going great! Nataleigh and I (Jessica) spent the week last week in Angola for Missions week while daddy went to Camp Illiana. It was going to be too long of a trip and more crazy to take a newborn there than it was to go see family and enjoy Missions week! It was a wonderful week and it was so much fun because everyone that used to hold me as a baby got to hold Nataleigh! It was truly amazing! Nataleigh's cousins think she's pretty special! I think Bryan had a hard time saying goodbye! They had some good bonding time! It's so special when your oldest nephew that you have loved and nurtured now in turn does that with your own daughter. It was so special!
Things at Velocity are wonderful, we are so blessed to be here! God has been teaching us many lessons and we continue to grow in our Faith. Please continue to pray for us-
1. our finances
2. our relationships to continue to build and grow
3. our neighborhood-specifically that I (Jessica) could get to know some of the women on our street-there are a few new moms on our street
4. My grandpa is very ill and he and our family need prayer
All our love!!! Please come visit us!!!!
Jessica :)