No baby yet, but then again she's not late since her due date is tomorrow, she's just not early. She will come when God decides it's time. Please pray for us as we wait and try to do this patiently! :) We promise to keep you updated...most of you have facebook so that will be updated first.
In other news I haven't done a very good job at updating you on our church plant. There has been so much going on with this and I have been thinking so much about Nataleigh and updating about her and forgetting to share the awesome things happening with Velocity.
A couple weeks ago our lead minister, Scott talked about baptism in his sermon and since then we have had 10 people wanting to get baptized!!!!! He has been talking to these people for the last few weeks and 5 will be getting baptized this weekend and 5 next weekend!!!! We have borrowed a portable baptistry from a church and it's sitting in our garage. Chris is responsible for filling it up tomorrow and getting everything in order (where they will change, etc). It's so exciting to be a apart of and as badly as we want Nataleigh to come I'm secretly hoping she will hold off a couple days so I will be able to be at church on Sunday :) and Chris can still lead.
Another exciting thing is that 60% of our Sunday morning attenders are in a Fuel Group (small group). Our groups are exploding and we don't have enough leaders yet to break off right away. Until a few weeks ago we had 2 small groups, now we have 3 and our small group is getting ready to break off into 2. Chris will be the leader of the newest group and we can still use another 2 more groups right now.
Praising God for what He is doing in Cleveland! It's so exciting to be a part of and we are so thankful every day we chose to come here!
If you are interested in hearing Scott's sermons go to:
-skip to main site
Again, we promise to keep you updated on our Nataleigh blessing. Keep us in your prayers as we patiently wait for her and everything that goes along with her arrival.